
Abundant Oceans

We can restore abundance to the ocean in one human generation. By 'we', we mean everyone. Oceans 2050 works to enable and amplify how people and companies across all sectors can be contributors to a common vision of an abundant future - with thriving oceans - for our children and grandchildren.

Under the combined direction of Alexandra Cousteau and Professor Carlos Duarte, one of the world’s leading marine ecologists, Oceans 2050 aligns the efforts of scientists, NGOs, business and impact investors, always with the goal of maximizing for abundant outcomes. We use the best actionable science, cutting edge technology and community action to scale the restoration of our ocean.

Foundation-owned and operated, Oceans 2050 is structured to be lean, flexible and fast, whether leading restoration task forces, creating partnerships or delivering market-transforming innovation.

From Science to Action

Oceans 2050 was founded on the basis of Professor Carlos Duarte's landmark paper Rebuilding Marine Life (Nature), the most cited ocean climate paper of  2020, which lays out a roadmap for restoring ocean abundance by 2050.


Roadmap to Abundance


Mission Control
for the Ocean

To develop an action plan for the regeneration of our oceans and guide the return of abundant ecosystems.



To develop and advance technologies and engineering for cost-effective ocean restoration.



To make active restoration ubiquitous, easy and gratifying, like the tools we use in our daily lives.


Our Goal

Restore our oceans by powering the largest collective rebuilding project in human history.


Ocean Principals


Alexandra Cousteau


Alexandra Cousteau, granddaughter of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, is an award-winning advocate for ocean restoration and abundance. As a leading figure in ocean activism, Cousteau collaborates with world leaders across sectors to influence, convene and mobilize action to achieve measurable outcomes that will make the oceans more biodiverse and abundant. She is also a sought after adviser for some of the world’s most ambitious environmental organizations and projects. She has been named a National Geographic Explorer and a Young Global Leader with the World Economic Forum.



Carlos Duarte

Chief Scientist

Chief Scientist with Oceans 2050, Professor Carlos Duarte has published more than 900 scientific papers and been ranked the world’s top marine biologist and 12th most influential climate scientist by Thomson Reuters. Together with various UN agencies, Professor Duarte developed the concept of Blue Carbon, which builds on his research showing mangroves, seagrasses and salt marshes to be globally relevant carbon sinks. Focused on developing nature-based solutions to climate change and evidence based strategies for restoring abundance to the oceans by 2050, he conducts his research across all continents and most marine ecosystem types.





Ode is a group of scientists, strategists, designers, and engineers with decades of experience at organizations such as NASA, the White House, and Google X. Ode partners on early-stage digital products and platforms for environmental impact and work exclusively on projects that address environmental challenges and drive meaningful and measurable change.


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Oceans 2050 partners with some of the most innovative foundations and organisations in the world.